How to Help Your Teen Succeed in College
Even if She Struggles with Managing Her Time,
Even if He Procrastinates When Starting New Projects,
and Even if They Are Terrible at Planning Ahead
So That Your Teen Can Graduate on Time,
with Good Grades,
Succeed in Their Chosen Career,
and Live a Fulfilling, Independent Life

- Registering for classes
- Figuring out which text books to buy
- Walking across campus to get to their next class
- Large class sizes with little time to ask the teacher questions after class
- Fellow students enticing them to go out and party all night
The list of stressors and distractions are many, and the academic expectations of college are high. All this change from High School requires an adjustment period for any teenager. However, for a teen with ADHD, this adjustment time might be especially rough, unless they’ve received adequate support in developing their independence skills.
If you want to help your teen succeed in college …
Our High School and College Coaching Program Can Help Your Teen Go from Failing to Achieving!
Of course, there are other options …

Or you can give your student the gift of working with one of the country’s top student coaches
who will prepare your student to function independently on their own when they leave home.
Schedule a Free Exploratory Consultation with Carol Today
To Find Out if College Prep Coaching Is Right for You and Your Teen!
Carol understands the difficulties of life and challenges associated with ADHD. She has experienced it not only in raising her son with ADHD but also in her own life, having faced the challenges of ADHD first-hand. It is her belief that people with ADHD are not broken, but have a special innovator brain type, which is why she wrote her book: Your Innovator Brain – The Truth About ADHD.
Carol’s combination of personal experience, ADHD expertise, and empowering perspective on ADHD will help your son or daughter excel in school and in life.
Carol is uniquely qualified to help your student because:
- Over her career, she has developed a time-tested curriculum of foundational skills training that will help your student in school now and throughout his or her life.
- She has been working with ADHD adults and children for more than 35 years.
- She has extensive training in both basic and success coaching methodologies.

Imagine What Your Teen Could Achieve If They Had the Support They Needed in College
and Learned How To Fully Function Independently in the World
Even Leverage Their Unique, Creative Strengths
So That You Would Never Have to Worry About Them Again

- Imagine your teen being able to organize effectively.
- Imagine your teen exhibiting self-restraint when the moment called for it.
- Imagine your teen starting things with gusto and finishing them on time.
- Your teen might even surprise you by planning -- in advance -- time together for your birthday!
A year of student coaching with Carol is normally priced at $7,465.
But, for a limited time, you can get the same full year of private student coaching for your teenaged son or daughter for only $4,465. That’s less than $400 per month!
Here is a taste what your college-bound teen will receive:
- Weekly coaching sessions with Carol via an online platform so that your teen can benefit from working with their coach face to face.
- Additional email communications so that they stay on track with scheduled assignments.
- Tools and resources so that they build strong study habits, develop laser focus, and stay caught up with academic tasks.
- On-going monitoring of GPA—and interventions when needed -- so that they get the grades they’ll need to stay in school, excel in school, and graduate with the confidence to start their new career after school.
- Accountability checkups to make sure behaviors and strategies are becoming regular habits so that they can take their success in college out into the world afterwards.
Carol designed this program to help anyone who has challenges with executive functioning, such as time management, prioritization, and productivity. No one should get behind when entering college, so it is an excellent idea to act now before it’s too late.

There Is No Obligation When You Schedule Your Free Exploratory Consultation with Carol
To Discover if College Prep Coaching Is Right for You and Your Teen.
Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to start?
It is best to begin the program in late summer so that Carol can establish a working relationship with your teen, and your son or daughter can learn the best strategies in anticipation of a busy beginning to the school year.

How is your program different from what the schools already offer?
Secondary schools have little budget or expertise to work one-on-one with students that need extra guidance. Once in college, a few resources may be available, but students must take the initiative to seek help. We have found that although help on campus may come from a reputable source, it may not be enough. When compared to the well-rounded, specialized program we offer students with ADHD and Executive Function weaknesses, there will be no guessing as to whether your student will have what they need to succeed, especially that all-important first year.

What if my teen has already started college?
If your teen has already started college, there is no time to waste when it comes to giving them the extra help and support they need. You can start at any time. There is no reason to delay. Call us to find out more about alternative timelines for your teen no matter what year or semester they fall into.