The ADHD Experts
Live ADHD Free is one of the country’s top ADHD coaching providers. Led by ADHD coach, Carol Gignoux, you’ll be working with one of the country’s leading ADHD experts.
Live ADHD Free believes anyone with ADHD can manage their limitations and nurture their talents to achieve a satisfying life. With adaptable strategies and a variety of services, Carol can help any ADHDer achieve his or her dreams.

About Carol
The author of Your Innovator Brain: The Truth About ADHD, Carol Gignoux, M. Ed., is one of the foremost thought leaders on the subject of ADHD and other innovator brain types. She has a passion for helping people unlock their potential and embrace their true talents and has spent nearly 40 years helping people heal and find peace and joy in their lives.
Not diagnosed until she was an adult – and parent of a child with ADHD – Carol knows first-hand about the difficulties and the challenges associated with having this particular brain type. This led her to become a pioneer in the field of coaching people with ADHD and executive function issues.
Because she has worked with children as young as four to adults in their 70s, Carol knows that ADHD is not so much a disorder as a different way of thinking. She believes that every person has potential, just like each diamond starts as coal. She helps people find their own way to shine.
Carol’s Experience & Education
Carol began working with ADHD upon graduating with her Master’s Degree in Education, specializing in brain-based behavior and learning problems in teens and children. After spending almost 30 years in education, she decided to embark on a new career and enrolled in a coaching program at Coach U. Created by the founder of coaching, Thomas Leonard, Coach U was the first of its kind in the country.
Shortly after earning her Coach U certification, she completed a graduate coaching program with the Newfield Network in Minneapolis, MN, is a graduate of the Executive Coach Training Program with Success Dynamics in Concord, MA, was accepted into the Top Human Coach Training Program in China, and graduated at the top of her class at the prestigious Boston University Leadership Academy where she was asked to consider taking over the leadership of a failing school system adjacent to Boston. Since then she has become a highly sought after ADHD coach.
Public Speaking
Carol has a passion for public speaking. She enjoys connecting to the audience with understanding and compassion. She continues to explore better and more effective ways to assist a diverse group of people. As a result, she has accumulated a number of healing methods and cognitive strategies that lead to transformation.
As a public speaker, she gives keynote speeches, runs workshops, and conducts breakout seminars.
Healthy Communication
Carol facilitates healthy communication patterns and supportive group dynamics for businesses as well as families. Every day, she strives to provide clients with the tools they need to lead fulfilling lives in the classroom, office, and at home.
Financial Coaching
Carol received certification from the ICF, as one of their first Financial Coaches. She was one of the first participants in the Top Human Coaching Program in Shanghai, China. She has also participated in several of T. Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials Training Programs and is a member of his Private Circle Club.
The Institute for the Advancement of ADHD Coaching
As a pioneer in the field of ADHD coaching, she realized early on the necessity of protecting its efficacy. As a result, she helped to co-create the Institute for the Advancement of ADHD Coaching, the first international organization to certify ADHD Coaches and ADHD Training Programs. She has achieved the most advanced ADHD coaching designation: the Senior Certified ADHD Coach or SCAC.
This background allows her to train new generations of ADHD Coaches with comprehensive Seven Core Competencies training method. All participants are prepared in accordance with the International Coach Federation Coach Competencies and the high standards of the Institute for Advancement of ADHD Coaching. Her students receive a well-rounded education focused on extensive coaching practice as the gateway to building a successful business.
Carol’s ADHD Mission
She has been privileged to work with so many wonderful people of all ages and backgrounds who fit a certain profile referred to as ADHD. Her most important mission is to bring the truth to light about the real nature of so-called ADHD. Throughout time, people with this brain type have been many of our most important innovators. A wealth of experience has shown that this often maligned and stigmatized brain type is more the brain type of innovators than misfits.
She works to change the negative way people view the ADHD trait. ADHD is not a “disorder,” but rather a cluster of valuable assets that when managed correctly can create big results. ADHDers have fine company in innovators like Einstein, Mozart, the Wright Brothers, Winston Churchill and and Henry Ford.
Carol’s Latest Book
Your Innovator Brain – The Truth About ADHD Purchase it on Amazon.
Contact Carol for more information.