ADHD Coaching Serving Adults, Teens, Kids, & Couples

Time to Unplug: ADHD and Computer Addiction

How much time passed between the moment you woke up today and the first time you looked at a screen – cell phone, smartphone, computer, television, tablet? The reality is that most of us are addicted to screen time, but if you have ADHD, this could be a problem.

Is There a Healthy Balance?

We live in a world of constant stimulation and instant gratification. This is a problem that afflicts everyone, and every individual and family unit struggles with how to find a healthy balance. But this dependence on technology can be destructive for those with ADHD brains. The multitude of split-millisecond updates on blogs, social networks, apps, and news sites is like a Venus flytrap for rapid-fire thinkers.

I am more convinced each day that excessive computer use can be a form of self-medication. Social interactions that occur through a remote digital setting can be easier to navigate for those with ADHD, allowing you to talk to someone with text while multitasking. Or for those who want a break from interpersonal relationships, there are endless creative outlets and time-wasters on the web, just a mouse-click away.

Who Does This Sound Like?

But these behaviors can become excessive, isolating and unhealthy when hours upon hours are spent in front of a computer. You think of the responsibilities that weigh you down, the anxiety you feel, all the pressure in your life, and you escape from the real world into the digital world. Do any of these apply to you?

  • You missed a deadline at work because of excessive personal computer use.
  • Your boss or coworkers have noticed or commented on your web surfing habits.
  • Your schoolwork has suffered because you spent time on social networks or YouTube instead of studying.
  • You stayed up much later than you meant to because of surfing the web.
  • You begin to feel isolated from those around you after so much time spent on your own.

A Few Basic Steps

If this sounds familiar, it’s probably the right time to kick the habit, even if just for a trial period. To get on top of this problem, people with ADHD need to learn to choose when to surf the internet and when not to. They must learn to wean themselves off of using the Internet and computer as a way to avoid doing other things. By doing this, they can become aware of how much time they spend on these distractions and rein in their impulses.

  • Log your hours. How much of your week is spent parked in front of the computer?
  • Create rules that fit your life, such as, no computer on Saturdays or no computer if it’s sunny enough to exercise or play outside
  • When you chat or email with someone, ask yourself, when is the last time I heard this person’s voice? When is the last time I shared a meal or a walk with this person? Power down and have a more meaningful interaction with your friend.
  • Pick something that you enjoy doing online and swap it for the real thing: board games instead of apps, greeting cards instead of texts, paperbacks instead of e-books, and real social gatherings instead of virtual ones.

You will be amazed at how much time you waste on the computer and the benefits you get from staying off. Get more tips for living with ADHD by subscribing to our newsletter.

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About the author

Carol Gignoux, M. Ed., author of Your Innovator Brain: The Truth About ADHD, is one of the foremost thought leaders on the subject of ADHD and other innovator brain types. She founded Living ADHD Free to help her clients – children, teenagers, college students, adults, executives and couples struggling with ADHD or executive function issues – lead orderly, happy lives in the classroom, office, and home. Drawing from her decades of hands-on experience and cutting-edge research, she provides valuable tools and success strategies for those who face issues with maintaining focus and concentration, time management, procrastination, impulsivity, and other disruptive symptoms of ADHD. After working with Carol, you will know your unique gifts, be able to express your true talents, and successfully achieve a more stress-free and fulfilling life.

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