Some people find that the best way to end a destructive cycle of negativity is to interrupt it.
That is the theory behind two popular and complementary practices, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Pattern Interrupt (PI). These therapies involve reliving memories while deliberately stimulating the body’s energy meridians, also used in reiki massage. These lines and points on the body are believed to be especially responsive to touch and energy flow on a physical, mental and spiritual level.
EFT is performed by a highly trained therapist who is proficient in alternative medicine. The patient relives a traumatic memory, then repeats a powerful affirmation while massaging parts of the body identified as energy meridians. The process is repeated long-term until the memory loses its negative impact.
PI is a similar therapy, designed to be used as stress management in daily life, almost like an emotional ‘reset’ button. When anxiety becomes overwhelming, touching or tapping places on energy meridians can interrupt the building negativity and redirect it into positive energy.
One easy technique to try comes from Kay Snow-Davis’ Point of Power, a Relationship with your Soul. She says: “Place the fingertips of both hands in the center of your forehead, and move them apart toward your temples several times, stroking lightly to release emotions and stress. After you erase the physical and emotional tension, command that your random thoughts STOP: then focus on moving your mental energy to your heart. (You can command your mind to ‘Stop and Drop!’– to drop this energy down to the heart.) Take a deep breath; then continue to focus on your breathing as you experience the power and stillness of your heart energy. In this way, your mind can hear and receive truth and guidance from your heart.”
At those times when you find yourself lost in discontent and unease, step back. Notice your mental chatter and choose to control it. Use the erasing motion of your hands on your forehead to interrupt the stress pattern. Remind yourself to “stop and drop.” This will help you become more aware of your own innate power when your heart and your mind are in partnership and balance.
Consult with a doctor and/or mental health professional before changing your treatment.

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