Yoga and meditation are hardly secret weapons any more…
– in fact, it seems like everyone in North America has at least dabbled in them. But not everyone finds them enjoyable or can fit classes into daily life.
That’s why I’ve chosen four simple postures that anyone can use that are short-cuts to refreshing the spirit and clearing the mind. I call them “Archetypal Postures,” derived from Hatha Yoga. When you need to jump into a new mindset or emotional state, slip into the restroom and perform the corresponding pose for about a minute. Essentially, change your posture, change your mood!
Yoga Pose for Power: The King/Queen Posture
When you’re feeling fearful or inadequate, use this posture. It can be especially good for a confidence boost before a meeting. Think about feeling mature, capable, and in control.
Stand up straight, chin tilted slightly up, with feet shoulder-width apart. Feel braced, strong, rooted to the floor. Put your hands out straight at shoulder height, and keep your elbows locked. Then swing your arms back and forth. Continue this motion for about 30 seconds. To finish, bring your hands back to shoulder height, palms pressed together as if praying, and breathe in and out slowly.
To Loosen Up: The Jester Posture
If you’re used to people telling you, “Lighten up,” then this is the posture for you. It’s the perfect way to shake off tension and stress, especially if transitioning from your work environment to your home environment. Leave ‘serious time’ behind for ‘playtime.’ Think about things that make you happy or make you laugh.
Smile – even if you don’t feel like it at first, fake smiles almost always become real smiles if you give them enough time. Stand up with your feet apart at whatever distance feels most comfortable for you. Keep your back straight but not rod-straight. With your arms loose by your sides, wiggle your fingers for a count of ten. Move your wrists in slow circles for a count of ten. Loosen your arms with a floppy shake for a count of ten. Swing your arms from side to side in a loose, floppy semi-circle for a count of ten. Shrug your shoulders in circles for a count of ten, then reverse direction. Put your weight on your left foot and shake out your right leg for a count of ten, then reverse. Finish by leaning forward and trying to touch your toes – only as far as feels comfortable for you – and curling back to a standing position very, very slowly. End with three exhaled breaths from loud to quiet, first “HA!” then “Haaaah” then “haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”.
Yoga Pose for Empathy: The Lover Posture
Leave stress behind and open your heart – this is literally what the Lover Posture does. Calm your mind as much as you can and focus on feelings of love and affection. This is good preparation for a happy partner or family time after a busy or stressful day. Be connected to the present.
Sit down with your legs crossed Indian-style. Raise your right hand in the air above your head. Reach your left hand behind you, so your elbow touches your back. Slowly, reach the hands so they connect, and you’re holding your own hand behind your neck. Raise your head and look at the ceiling, breathing normally. Hold the pose for about 20 seconds, shake your arms out, and then do it on the other side.
To Pluck up Your Courage: The Warrior Posture
Do this pose when it’s time to bust through the wall of fear. If you feel intimidated, this ancient pose will summon your inner strength. In your mind, repeat the mantra, “I will fight and win!”
Stand with feet pointing straight ahead, more than shoulder-width apart. Pick your dominant foot, and then swivel your torso in that direction and dip into it as much as feels comfortable, like a lunge. Now that foot and your head will be pointed in the same direction, and your non-dominant foot will be tilted out. Brace yourself with your hand on your hips so you feel sturdy. Then slowly raise your arms straight above your head, and hold for a count of 20. Slowly lower your arms and replace your hands on your hips. Swivel back to front. Repeat in the other direction.

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