ADHD Coaching Serving Adults, Teens, Kids, & Couples

New Year’s Resolutions and Adult ADHD—Transform in 2019

Even if you don’t make formal resolutions, you still may take the time in the new year to examine your life and see what changes you can make. The problem is resolutions rarely stick. A study by Statistic Brain found that 27% of people abandon goals after one week and another 31% give up after two weeks. It may be even more complex for those with adult ADHD. Now, that it’s a few weeks into January—how are you doing?

To get you on a clear path for success, there are several things you can do to make sure 2019 is a year of transformation.

Focus on Goals, Not Activities

Many resolutions relate to an activity like going to the gym or getting organized. However, those are just the activities that correspond with goals like living a healthier life. Focusing on the end goal can help you keep moving. When you have adult ADHD, activities can seem overwhelming to your innovator brain. Instead, be clear with your goals and understand the steps to get there.

Small Steps Yield Better Results

When you are determining the steps to get to your goals, make sure they are small. You don’t need to overload yourself with huge steps right out of the gate. Start with small habits that you can work on and change.

Start Off with a Quick Win

Most people make resolutions when they are feeling down about themselves, which is something those with adult ADHD struggle with regularly. So, make it easy in the beginning by finding a quick win. As someone who is human and has ADHD, it’s natural to be motivated by immediate goal completion, rather than something you have to wait to receive. The goal shouldn’t be too easy, but it should be attainable without too much stress.

Educate Yourself Around Your Goal

First, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about a variety of things you may want to work on, and that includes the symptoms of ADHD. When planning your goal, research the facts about how to accomplish it. Don’t go off hearsay or the unsolicited advice of others. Be sure to study the achievement of the goal in the context of ADHD as well.

Expect Mistakes—You’re Only Human!

Guess what? You’re going to stumble in life. As someone with adult ADHD, you’ve probably made your fair share of mistakes. There’s nothing to be ashamed about—it’s what happens next that matters. If you just give up, then you’ll be trapped in the same cycle. However, if you get up and dust yourself off and keep moving toward your goal, then you’ll be that much more determined.

Get Help with an ADHD Coach

Another great way to keep your resolutions on track is to work with an ADHD coach. An ADHD coach is trained to work with your unique brain type and can give you the tools and resources you need to transform your life. ADHD coaching is the foundation for you to begin and complete your 2019 goals. It’s been proven to enhance and improve the lives of those with ADHD.

You’ve still got plenty of time to achieve your resolutions. Don’t give up! If you’d like help on how to find success with ADHD, talk to us today about ADHD coaching.

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About the author

Carol Gignoux, M. Ed., author of Your Innovator Brain: The Truth About ADHD, is one of the foremost thought leaders on the subject of ADHD and other innovator brain types. She founded Living ADHD Free to help her clients – children, teenagers, college students, adults, executives and couples struggling with ADHD or executive function issues – lead orderly, happy lives in the classroom, office, and home. Drawing from her decades of hands-on experience and cutting-edge research, she provides valuable tools and success strategies for those who face issues with maintaining focus and concentration, time management, procrastination, impulsivity, and other disruptive symptoms of ADHD. After working with Carol, you will know your unique gifts, be able to express your true talents, and successfully achieve a more stress-free and fulfilling life.

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