ADHD Coaching Serving Adults, Teens, Kids, & Couples

Addressing ADHD at Work: Three Steps to Change

As discussed in earlier posts, ADHD at work is not only disruptive but costly. When left untreated or unacknowledged, the problem only festers. Your workplace can find solutions to these challenges, promoting efficiency and effectiveness.

You have the ability to turn underperformers into overperformers. There are three changes you can make in the workplace that can influence greater performance. Employees struggling to overcome obstacles associated with untreated ADHD can find support and help.

Create a Strategic Performance Plan

Underperforming employees should work with their managers to create a performance plan. This plan should be communicated verbally as well as documented in writing. It should include:

  • Establish work objectives and the expected methodology used to achieve them.
  • Define the communication structure used to report to managers as well as project leads, department heads, and colleagues.
  • Determine benchmarks and deadlines to assist with time management and prioritization.
  • Schedule routine check-in times for monitoring progress, questions, solving problems, and feedback.

Offer a non-distracting environment and uninterrupted time

Many employees with workplace performance issues have trouble staying focused. These can take the form of noise and people interruptions. Distractions also come in the form of wasting time when employees feel overwhelmed. Not having a schedule is another factor. Creating a productive environment includes:

  • Using a daily task and time planner
  • Dedicating segments of uninterrupted time to focus on completing projects
  • Using the hierarchy of how, when, and where to go for help
  • Employing frequent short breaks when attention begins to flag
  • Switching from one task to another to avoid becoming bored and distracted

Establish a mentoring or coaching program

Executing real change in the workplace doesn’t happen overnight. There must be consistent support of the message. Underperforming ADHD employees need accountability. Initiating a mentor or coaching program is a great way to reiterate the steps that an employee should take to improve performance and remove distraction.

A mentor or coach will be responsible for assisting and interpreting whatever is necessary to build new working relationships. A mentor can act as an intermediary to keep miscommunication from getting in the way. Having this objective perspective can go a long way to forming stronger relationships.

Accomplishing change in your workplace

ADHD at work won’t fix itself. To turn underperformers into overperformers, you need a plan. With these three change drivers, your workplace can enjoy better communication and collaboration. If you’d like to learn more about how to create this kind of environment, explore the programs of Highly Effective Workplace and how they address ADHD at work.

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About the author

Carol Gignoux, M. Ed., author of Your Innovator Brain: The Truth About ADHD, is one of the foremost thought leaders on the subject of ADHD and other innovator brain types. She founded Living ADHD Free to help her clients – children, teenagers, college students, adults, executives and couples struggling with ADHD or executive function issues – lead orderly, happy lives in the classroom, office, and home. Drawing from her decades of hands-on experience and cutting-edge research, she provides valuable tools and success strategies for those who face issues with maintaining focus and concentration, time management, procrastination, impulsivity, and other disruptive symptoms of ADHD. After working with Carol, you will know your unique gifts, be able to express your true talents, and successfully achieve a more stress-free and fulfilling life.

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