A Shortcut to Healthy ADHD Discussions
Anyone familiar with ADHD knows that those with ADHD can be incredibly sensitive to criticism. Read these 5 tips and start having healthier conversations!
Anyone familiar with ADHD knows that those with ADHD can be incredibly sensitive to criticism. Read these 5 tips and start having healthier conversations!
I’m so excited to share a guest blog post this week from one of my favorite colleagues, Alan Brown, creator of ADD Crusher™ Videos & Tools!
We ADDers are at a disadvantage from the get-go, so we have no business adding more troubles to our plate. Yet we do. The many things we do TO ourselves – or don’t do FOR ourselves – make our ADHD worse, or just seem worse. Here are five such things, and some fixes…
Changing a lifetime’s worth of self-destructive habits takes effort. You have to push yourself to contribute to something big: a community, a cause, a belief system.
If your children grow up with a constant soundtrack of those exclamations and reprimands, they will become accustomed to thinking of themselves as the mess-ups, the problem-causers, the trouble-makers. There’s no telling how deep the scars of negative self-image can go in a sensitive child.
I’m pushing the envelope even further. I want my clients to live without the negative side of ADHD.